The List: Reading Suggestions For You


Cover of A Long Way to Paradise

A Long Way to Paradise

Robert McDonald
UBC Press, 2021
The late Robert McDonald’s book is refresher on B.C. politics.

Cover for A Matter of Confidence

A Matter of Confidence

Rob Shaw & Richard Zussman
Heritage House, 2018
A look at the downfall of the Christy Clark government and the coming to power of John Horgan and the NDP.

Cover of A Very Political Family

A Very Political Family

Vera Kristiansen
Trafford, 2007
The lives and times of NDP activist Vera Kristiansen and her NDP MP Kootenay West husband Lyle.

Cover of The Art of the Impossible

The Art of the Impossible:
Dave Barrett and the NDP in Power, 1972-75

Rod Mickleburgh & Geoff Meggs
Harbour Publishing, 2012
An engaging and close look at the first NDP government in B.C.

Cover of Alex in Wonderland

Alex in Wonderland

Alex MacDonald
New Star, 1993
A look at politics from the long-time NDP MLA Vancouver East and former Attorney-General.

Cover of Barrett: A Passionate Political Life

Barrett: A Passionate Political Life

Dave Barrett w/ William Miller
Douglas & McIntyre, 1995
Dave Barrett writes candidly about his time in politics.

Cover of Being Brown, A very public life

Being Brown: A very public life

Rosemary Brown
Random House, 1989
Engaging autobiography from the long-time MLA for Vancouver-Burrard and Burnaby-Edmonds.

Cover of The Compassionate Rebel

The Compassionate Rebel

Dorothy Steves
JJ Douglas, 1977
The story of Burnaby CCF MLA and icon, Ernie Winch, and the growth of socialism in Western Canada.

Cover of Fantasy Government

Fantasy Government

Stan Persky
New Star, 1989
A look at the Bill Vander Zalm government as only Stan Persky could do.

Cover of Grace MacInnis

Grace MacInnis

Ann Farrell
Fitzhenry & Whiteside, 1994
A compelling book on Grace MacInnis, MLA, MP, and legend in B.C. politics.

Federal CCF & NDP

Cover of Agrarian Socialism: The CCF in Saskatchewan

Agrarian Socialism

Seymour Martin Lipset
U of California Press, 2021
The CCF in Saskatchewan: A study in political sociology.

Cover of The Anatomy of a Party

The Anatomy of a Party

Walter Young
U of Toronto Press, 1969
The story of the national CCF, 1932-1961.

Cover of Ed Broadbent: The Pursuit of Power

Ed Broadbent: The pursuit of power

Judy Steed
Viking, 1988
This insightful biography, examines the influences and experiences that have shaped the man.

Cover of A Prophet in Politics

A Prophet in Politics

Kenneth McNaught
U of Toronto Press, reprinted 2017
A biography of J.S. Woodsworth.

Cover of The New Democrats, 1961-1986: The Politics of Change

The New Democrats, 1961-1986

Desmond Morton
COPP, Clark, Pitman Ltd, 1986
All about the politics of change… in a great era.

Building the Orange Wave

Building the Orange Wave

Brad Lavigne (forward by Olivia Chow)
Douglas & MacIntyre, 2013
The inside story behind the historic rise of Jack Layton and the NDP.

Cover of Visionaries, Crusaders, and Firebrands

Visionaries, Crusaders, and Firebrands

Lynn Gidluck
Lorimer & Co, 2012
A story of the idealistic Canadians who built the NDP.

Cover of Tommy Douglas

Tommy Douglas

Vincent Lam
Penguin, 2011
Award-winning novelist and medical doctor Vincent Lam brings special insight to his portrait of Douglas.

Cover of Unfinished Journey, the Lewis Family

Unfinished Journey: The Lewis Family

Cameron Smith
Summerhill Press, 1989
The story of this amazing family that helped build the CCF and NDP.

Cover of Working People

Working People

Desmond Morton
McGill-Queen’s University Press, 2007
An illustrated history of the Canadian labour movement.