Our Party Presidents

Here are the people who helped guide the building (and in some cases, rebuilding) of our party over the past 60+ years. Of particular note, since 1975 we have burst open the doors of diversity; included in our 14 party presidents since then have been five female presidents, two of South Asian descent and, in 2021, the first ever Indigenous party president. Until recently, the people who served did so as volunteers – since 2009, a stipend has been associated with the position.

Tom Berger, Party President 1961-62

Tom Berger, 1961-62

Vancouver-Burrard MP, 1962
Vancouver-Burrard MLA, 1966-69
BC NDP Leader, 1969-70

Fred Vulliamy, Party President 1962-63

Fred Vulliamy, 1962-63

Vancouver-Willingdon MLA, 1966-68

Jack Mackenzie, Party President 1963-65

Jack Mackenzie, 1963-65

Union Executive
IWA Leader

Frank Snowsell, Party President 1965-66

Frank Snowsell, 1965-66

Saanich CCF MLA, 1945-49

Ray Haynes, Party President 1966

Ray Haynes, 1966

Union Executive
Secretary-Treasurer, BC Federation of Labour

Norm Levi, Party President 1966-68

Norm Levi, 1966-68

Social Worker
Vancouver South MLA, 1968
Vancouver-Burrard MLA, 1972-79
Coquitlam-Maillardville MLA, 1979-83

John Laxton, Party President 1968-70

John Laxton, 1968-70

Vancouver Lawyer

Dave Stupich, Party President 1970-72

Dave Stupich, 1970-72

Nanaimo MLA, 1963-69
Nanaimo MLA, 1972-88
Nanaimo-Cowichan MP, 1988-93

Frank Murphy, Party President 1972-75

Frank Murphy, 1972-75

Nanaimo School Principal

Yvonne Cocke, Party President 1975-77

Yvonne Cocke, 1975-77

Political organizer
New Westminster city councillor
BC NDP Provincial Secretary

John Brewin, Party President 1977-78

John Brewin, 1977-78

Victoria MP, 1988-93

Gerry Stoney, Party President 1978-85

Gerry Stoney, 1978-85

IWA Union Executive

Joy Langan, Party President 1985-88

Joy Langan, 1985-88

Journalist, writer, social activist
Mission-Coquitlam MP, 1988-93

Elaine Bernard, Party President 1988-89

Elaine Bernard, 1988-89

Labour historian
Director, SFU Labour Program
ED, Harvard Trade Union Program

Ian Aikenhead, Party President 1989-92

Ian Aikenhead, 1989-92

Vancouver Lawyer

Patrice Pratt, Party President 1992-96

Patrice Pratt, 1992-96

BCGEU Union Staff

Bruce Ralston, Party President 1996-2001

Bruce Ralston, 1996-2001

Surrey lawyer
Surrey-Whalley MLA, 2005-Present

Maura Parte, NDP President 2001-03

Maura Parte, 2001-03

Victoria Research Director
Public administration MBA

Jeff Fox, Party President 2003-09

Jeff Fox, 2003-09

BCGEU Union Staff

Sav Dhaliwal, Party President 2009

Sav Dhaliwal, 2009

IT Manager
Burnaby Councillor

Moe Sihota, Party President 2009-13

Moe Sihota, 2009-13

Victoria lawyer
Esquimalt-Metchosin MLA, 1986-2001

Craig Keating, Party President 2013-21

Craig Keating, 2013-21

North Vancouver Lawyer

Aaron Sumexheltza, NDP President 2021-

Aaron Sumexheltza, 2021-

Merritt lawyer