Looking back over 60-plus years of NDP history brings to mind a comment by former federal NDP Alexa McDonough, who noted that while the NDP hasn’t always been in government, ‘we have always made a difference.’ It is almost difficult to imagine that when the NDP was formed there was no publicly-funded Medicare-for-all, no Canada Pension Plan, and social services were often seen as money wasted on deadbeats and welfare cheats. Corporations faced little regulation and a much freer hand taking advantage of workers and consumers. Women’s equality, human rights and gender equity were barely discussed. Concern for the environment took a back seat. And fairness for Indigenous Canadians was not considered. Our social democratic movement not only challenged that, but changed it. And while we have not won every battle or every election, we have moved public attitudes and frequently seen our policies adopted as common sense by others. Our determination to build a more fair and just society is now so much more accepted than it was sixty years ago. As social democrats in British Columbia we continue our movement’s mission to represent, not the people at the top, but ordinary people, and to apply the principles of democratic socialism to make life better for all. It’s struggle we invite everyone to join.