Logo: BC NDP History

This website is the work of the BC NDP History Group – NDP activists who are proud of the accomplishments of the social democratic movement in British Columbia. It is not sponsored by the BC New Democratic Party – the information and views shared here are the responsibility of the authors and do not represent the BC NDP. We hope you will find this website useful, informative and inspiring.

BC NDP MLA (and later Federal MP) Rosemary Brown
BC NDP History Logo

This website is the work of the BC NDP History Group – NDP activists who are proud of the accomplishments of the social democratic movement in British Columbia. It is not sponsored by the BC New Democratic Party – the information and views shared here are the responsibility of the authors and do not represent the BC NDP. We hope you will find this website useful, informative and inspiring.

A collage of NDP memories: Emery Barnes, Gary Lauk, Dave Barrett, Mike Harcourt, Rosemary Brown, and the Surrey MLAs

Perserverance and Progress: The BC NDP story

Welcome to the completely unofficial yet surprisingly accurate story of the BC New Democratic Party – lovingly compiled by the people who were there. It’s a rich history of ups and downs, glorious achievements (for people!), disappointments shared, near extinction (once or twice), and perseverance for the broader public good. And as we like to say in NDP land… much accomplished, more to do!

BCNDP History - explore the 1960s


BCNDP History - explore the 1970s


BCNDP History - explore the 1970s


BCNDP History - explore the 1980s


BCNDP History - explore the 2000s


BCNDP History - explore the 2010s


Half the Sky… Half the Seats

The BC NDP Equity Mandate

From the 1960s “never more than one woman NDP MLA elected” to 2020 when women comprised fully half of the elected NDP MLAs, the journey toward equality required a lot of hard work by dedicated NDP women.  We couldn’t possibly say it better than what you will hear and see from the women in this video.  Enjoy!

Working For People: BC NDP Accomplishments

Well, now’s not the time to be humble. Let’s take a look at some of the work your BC NDP has done and the results achieved.

In the 1963 election, BC NDP leader Bob Strachan pledged total coverage medicare.

Featured Accomplishment:
Medicare for All

Let’s take things back to the start, when BC’s newest political party campaigned in 1933 for “the socialization of all health services.” It was a bumpy road to 2017 when the John Horgan NDP government eliminated Medical Services Plan premiums for everyone in British Columbia. MORE >>

Government achievements, 1972 to 1975



Achievements of the NDP government, 1991-2001



Achievements of the NDP government, 2017-22



BC NDP: Research & Explore

Time to get into the nitty gritty. Here’s where you’ll find the detailed info on the people who helped build our party. And since this is a history site, let’s go retro with a reading list and, yes, helpful links!


You can find a list of all CCF and NDP MLAs

Here you’ll find our MLAs from the CCF to the John Horgan government of 2022, sorted by election.

The BC NDP Leaders

Find biographies of all BC NDP leaders

A list of our party’s leaders from 1961 onward, along with snapshot bios of each.

Party Presidents

Party President, Patrice Pratt (1992-96)

So many wonderful, talented people have helped guide the journey our party has taken? Have a look!

Provincial Secretaries

Provincial Secretary, Yvonne Cocke (1976-81)

The unsung heroes of campaigns… and the years between them.

Reading List

New Democrats at convention sometime in the Eighties.

From the investigative to the insightful to the whimsical… have a look.

Helpful Connections

A very early meeting of CCF supporters.

To help you explore a little more, we’ve included some handy connections.